The Harmony Society At Economy, Penn'a

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The Harmony Society At Economy, Penn'a
Williams, Aaron
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A large reservoir receives the water of a stream that flows from the hills, and when this source of supply becomes deficient, the ever serviceable steam engine pumps water from a deep river- well.
In former years they employed the steamboat navi- gation of the Ohio river as their chief channel of trade and travel ; but in later years they enjoy the advan- tage of the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne & Chicago, and the Pittsburgh & Cleveland rail roads, whose trains arc passing every hour along the bluff i
...n front of the town.
They have also a telegraph office.
Soon after their settlement at Economy, a few silk worms were sent to Mr. Kapp from a friend in the East, with instructions as to the various processes of silk culture. It was a new business to them, but they engaged in it with zeal, as a source of probable profit, and as affording easy employment to the women and children and aged persons among them. They Digitized byCjOOQlC 66 THE HARMONY SOCIETY.
planted an orchard of Italian mulberry and of morus multicaulis, and adorned their streets with shade trees of the same.

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The Harmony Society At Economy, Penn'a
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