The Heiress Bride

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At eight o’clock that morning, in the laird’s bedchamber, Sophie finally voiced her worry. “But where are they? Do you think they’ve been hurt, Alex?”“Oh, no, I don’t believe so,” Alex said, her brow lowering. “I’m beginning to think they’re angry and not coming. It’s a lesson. Douglas is tired of trying to have his way and only succeeding half the time, and thus he’s punishing me with his absence.”Sinjun looked from one to the other and started to laugh. There were two identical expressions of ...outrage but she couldn’t stop laughing. “I can’t believe the two of you—you sound as if you want them to come this very instant.”“Oh no!”“How absurd!”Sinjun looked from one glum face to the other. “Did either of you brilliant sweetings bother to leave a note as to where you were bound?”Alex looked at Sinjun as if she were a half-wit and gave her a disdainful shrug that would have done Douglas proud. “Why, naturally I told him where I was going!

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