The History of Ancient Education;

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p. 813, 4th enlarged edition.
HIS EDUCATIONAL PRINCIPLES 239 They may be thus concisely stated : (1) Education begins in early childhood with impres- sions made upon the senses, especially in boyish sports, and hence, during this impressible period, great care should be exercised with regard to surroundings, com- panions, and example of parents and friends.
(2) Boys should be accustomed to hardships and practised in patience, and should be aided and en- couraged to choose the best men to whom t
...o attach themselves as disciples.
(3) The feelings of youth should receive careful direction, that they may avoid excesses and sensual indulgence, may be regardful of the old, and mindful of the claims of morality, and especially may have a keen sense of honor, coupled with a desire for distinc- tion.
(4) Much care should be given to the cultivation of memory and to storing it with choice passages from the best authors; and, to aid memory, he strongly recommends a mnemonic system ascribed to Simonides, in which things to be remembered are associated in an orderly manner with the parts of some familiar place.* (5) The young man should choose his vocation, pro- vided that it be respectable, with sole reference to his tastes and capabilities.

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