The History of France 1

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The History of France 1
Crowe, Eyre Evans, 1799-1868
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Louis abolished such a custom : he determined to choose a magistrate of rigid character, and give him a salary. This personage, named Stephen Boileau, made a collection of the usages of Paris. In the more lucrative trades the artizan was obliged to pay for the liberty to exercise it, either to the king or one of his oflScers. In return, they had the LOUIS THE NHSTTH. 269 advantage of being fewer than the supply demanded, chap.
It was necessary, however, at that time for trades to ^^ form corpor
...ations, in order to have their rights re- spected, and to find a special protector, in the king or some high functionary, for the same reason.
Another point on which St, Louis strove to esta- blish his central and royal jurisdiction, was the coin of the country. Eighty princes or nobles had the right of coinage, and, of course, they made a profit of it. Louis obliged all to receive the coin stamped with his effigy in their domains, and fixed this coin in currency at its just value in exchanging.

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