The History of France 4

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The History of France 4
Crowe, Eyre Evans, 1799-1868
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The Parliament followed this up by two arrSts^ both dated August 1761, the one ordering the Jesuits within six months to furnish the titles and nature of their several establishments. The other, after making nu- merous citations from books published by Jesuits re- commending regicide and enjoining immondity, ordered the said books to be burned publicly, and at the same time forbad the order of the 'Jesuits to receive any more novices or to continue their lessons. This ordon- nance closed their
...schools.* The king instantly inter- fered, and by letters patent suspended for a twelvemonth the action of the Parliamentary arrSt. The judges allowed the year to elapse, and on the 6th of August 1762, issued a more severe edict against the Jesuits, whose crimes were stated at length in the preamble.
The society was declared inadmissible in an J^tat Police.
They were not a religious institution, but a political body eager to monopolise power and wealth.f The Marquis of Pombal, in Portugal, had before suppressed the order, and sent the greater number to Italy, whilst the superior Malagrida was burnt in the public square as a heretic, an extravagant cruelty worthy of the Inquisition.

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