The History of Mankind, volume 1

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The History of Mankind, volume 1
Ratzel, Friedrich, 1844-1904
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We are led to the same conclusion by considering its geographical distribution. Well-ascertained centres of undisguised cannibalism are noticed in places so far apart as New Zealand, the Marquesas, the Palliser Islands, and the Paumotus. The Hawaiian and Tahitian groups, the Society Islands, and, for a period, Tonga, were free from it during the time of the more frequent visits of Europeans towards the end of the last century. But throughout Polynesia there exist both objects and legends in traces survive of a time when it extended more widely. When we find that in the Marquesas cannibal feasts were preceded by the cutting off of the victim's hair, to make arm -rings and necklets of magical potency, we cannot fail to see a cannibal significance in the frequent use of human hair to adorn spears and helmets, or of human bones and skulls as drinking -vessels ; or in the Hawaiian custom of putting the eye of a human victim in the oil used to anoint the king. Strong men's bones are available as talismans.

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