The History of Signboards From Earliest Times to the Present Day

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. It was said to liave derived ita name from tlie fact of a Danish, prince or ambassador having resided in it during a great plague in London. Another tradition is to the effect that, early in the seventeenth century, upon some political occasion, great numbers of Danes left that kingdom, and came to London ; whereupon the house was opened by an emi- grant from Copenhagen, as a place of resort for his countrymen resident in the metropolis. This tradition probably refers to the reign of James I...., who was visited in London by his brother-in- law, the King of Denmark, at which time it is very probable that there was a considerable influx of persons from the Danish capital. Coopen-Hagen is the name given to the place in the map accompanying Camden's Britannia, 1695. For many years previous to its demolition, the house had a great reputation amongst Cockney excursionists, and its tea-gardens, skittle-ground, Dutch pins, and particularly Fives Play, were great attractions.
For this last game especially the place was very famous.

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The History of Signboards From Earliest Times to the Present Day
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