The History of the French Revolution 1789-1800 V.5

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If the Archduke, following up his advantages, had pursued our vanquished army without intermission, he might have thrown it into complete disorder, and perhaps even destroyed it. He would then have had time to return towards Switzerland, to attack Mass^na, deprived of all assistance, reduced to his thirty thousand men, and entangled in the upper valleys of the Alps.
It would not have been impossible to cut him off from the road to France. But the Aulic Council forbade the Archduke to push on fo
...r the Rhine before Switzerland was evacuated.
This was a consequence of the principle that the key to the theatre of the war was in the mountains.
During these occurrences in Swabia, the war was proceed- ing in the Upper Alps. Massena was operating towards the sources of the Rhine, Lecourbe towards those of the Inn, Dessoles towards those of the Adige, with balanced success.
There was on the other side of the Rhine, a little above the point where it falls into the Lake of Constance, a position which it was necessary to carry — that of Feldkirch.

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