The Holy Word in Its Own Defence: Addressed to Bishop Colenso And All Other Earnest Seekers After Truth

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The Holy Word in Its Own Defence: Addressed to Bishop Colenso And All Other Earnest Seekers After Truth
Colenso, John William, 1814-1883
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Thus, by the " fall," we lose God ; that is, we lose the love of Goodness and Truth — ^the Lord is gone from the mind. But, by regenera- tion, He comes again — ^thdse elements of His nature are received into the understanding and will. It is because nian has freedom and rationality, that God can thus come and go. He comes and goes as to nothing else in the universe but the mind of man.
And, when the Lord thus comes and goes, it seems, by some of the literal expressions of the Word, as though He
... left the Father and returned to Him. Thus He says, " I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world : again, I leave the world, and go to the Father." But the Father Principle, in God, being the Divine Love, and the Son Principle, the Divine Truth or Word, we see th"kt from love to man, and a desire to instruct him and bless him, God speaks, or gives forth the Truth, from His affec- tions. Thus the Son comes forth from the Father. God, as Love, sends forth the Truth, or Word, into the world ; but the Father comes in it.

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