The House of Doors - 01

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What reading level is The House of Doors - 01 book?
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They had come down the side of the spur at the narrow, southern extreme of the shelf, and had been obliged to pick their way around the scattered debris of huge boulders where they had fallen or been washed down from above. Now, as they approached the main pool over a terrain of smooth, humped rocks, where smaller pools glinted in weathered hollows, they saw Angela where she stood with her back to them, and beyond her Gill and Haggie squaring up to each other, ankle-deep in the shallows.
Fifty f
...eet beyond the two men where they stood poised for battle, a shining spout of water crashed down and made the surface of the pool boil where it was deepest. Lesser spouts and rills cascaded down the slick cliffs behind the main deluge, sending up spray which drifted as it climbed from the tossing pool; the face of the escarpment overhead was for the greater part obscured behind its shifting milky curtain. But even as Gill and Haggie were on the point of hurling themselves at each other, so there came a diversion.

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The House of Doors - 01
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