The Hunter

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Everything was falling apart. Time to discard everything. Why couldn’t it remain the same?She looked up at the night sky. It was so silent out here it made her heart ache. How many times had she stared up and made a wish? Wishes that hadn’t come true. How many times had she sat in the stillness of the night just talking to herself? Alone again. She didn’t mind. She worked better alone, anyway. She didn’t need anybody. Life had always been that way and she had accepted a long time ago that she co...uld do without, as long as she was in control.She wasn’t happy with the way things were turning out, anyway. She didn’t like these feelings she had about Brad. She didn’t want to think of Amber with him; somehow it angered her. It really shouldn’t. She didn’t care. Maybe he went to her that night and it was just a onetime thing, since Amber was now spending time with Hawk. She shook her head. She didn’t care.They could all go to hell. All she cared was to make sure the girls were all right, that they were safely out of harm’s way.

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