The Imperial And Asiatic Quarterly Review And Oriental And ..., Volumes 3-4

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The Imperial And Asiatic Quarterly Review And Oriental And ..., Volumes 3-4
Oriental Institute (Woking, England), East India Association (London, England)
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my consort, urged by the others of the family, took advantage of your absence, and murdered me with a dagger.'* At these words he was thunderstruck. Con- tinuing his journey he reached home, and, being informed of my fate, he wept bitterly, and said to his brother: '* My brother, what a shocking crime you have committed! Why, we are undone ! The officers of justice will come in crowds.
My dream is perfectly verified. Even if we showered rupees, there is very little chance of escape ; for murder
... will out.
Shall I lament the death of my sister-in-law, or for you who will be undoubtedly hanged not long hence ? '' While he was thus swimming in the ocean of sorrow, not knowing what to do, two persons named Mudigonda Vir^salingam, and Darbhdkala Guruvanna, came to my brother-in-law^ and , Digitized by LjOOQIC 434 Miscellaneous Notes of the late Sir Walter Elliot.
encouraged him, saying, that they would prevail upon the Munsiffand Curnams to hush up what had really taken place, and give out that I died from a snake-bite.

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The Imperial And Asiatic Quarterly Review And Oriental And ..., Volumes 3-4
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