The Indian Penal Code Being Act Xlv of 1860: Annotated With Rulings of the ...

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The Indian Penal Code Being Act Xlv of 1860: Annotated With Rulings of the ...
India, D. E. Cranenburgh
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Aug. 18, 1880.] In the absence of evidence ^hat an order under s. 530 of the Code of Criminal cedure (Aft X. of 1872), corresponding with s. 145 of the new Code of Criminal Proa (Aft X. of 1882), was, in fact, directed to the accused, he cannot legally be cotivk^ under s. 188 of the Penal Code for disobeying such order. Quare. — Whether an ^ddhi under s. 530 (or s. 145 of the new Code) can be directed to others than the unsuoq^Mla party to the proceedings under the section, or whether such an o...rder could properly Im directed to the public at large. — In re Nobokishore Chuckerbutty, 7 C. L. R. fl^l [Mitter and Maclean, J J. Sep. 4, 1880.] S. 188 of the Penal Co(fe applies to orders made by public functionaries lor ^nl purposes, and not to an order made in a civil suit between party and party. The pn remedy for disobedience of an order of injunction passed by a Civil Court is commi for contempt. — In the Matter of Chandrakanta De, I. L. R., 6 Cal. 445; 7 C. L; 350. [Garth, C.J., and Maclean, J.

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