The Influence of Breed And Individuality On the Composition And Properties of Milk

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Leipzig, Nov. 1909.
Table 7 gives the percentage of total nitrogen as protein for each individual and the average for each breed. The totals are also cal- culated as protein by using the factor 6.38. The results show a decided influence due to the breed of the animals, the Jersey having a uniformly higher percentage of protein than the others. The Hol- steins are the lowest, while the Shortliorns and Ayrshires range between the Hol
...steins and Jerseys. The marked influence exerted by the stage of lactation upon the proportion of this constitutent present can be seen from the data given and has been shown in a previous publication.^ Table 8 is a compilation from the same sources as used in previous tables showing the average percentage of protein in the milk of 5 breeds. It will be noted that the figures obtained at the Missouri Experiment Station for Holsteins, Jerseys, and Ayrshires are some- what lower than those obtained at the New Jersey and New York stations, while the figure for the Shorthorns is slighfly above.

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