The Institute

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Stackhouse said. “But stay here. I may need you.”
The box phone continued braying. Still watching the tunnel and the marching morons, he picked it up. Now he was holding a phone to each ear, like a character in some old slapstick comedy. “What? What?”
“We are here, and the boy is here,” Mrs. Sigsby said. The connection was good; she might have been in the next room. “I expect to have him back in our custody shortly.” She paused. “Or dead.”
“Good for you, Julia, but we have a situation here. Ther
...e’s been a—”
“Whatever it is, handle it. This is happening now. I’ll call you when we’re on our way out of town.”
She was gone. Stackhouse didn’t care, because if Fellowes didn’t work computer magic, Julia might have nothing to come back to.
“Andy! Are you still there?”
“I’m here.”
“Did you do it?”
Stackhouse felt a dreadful certainty that Fellowes would say that their old computer system had picked this critical moment to seize up.
“Yes. Well, pretty sure.

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The Institute
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Guest 2 years ago

I love this book. Cool thing is I was just on a Delta flight yesterday! Talk about coincidence for the first chapter lol

ass-kicker159 4 years ago

its really cool book the movie was good but this is better reading could make it seem fun but when i was a little boy i hate book and now look at me i love books its fun its everything and thy even make it a movie.

Guest 4 years ago

wow- thanks, I really enjoyed this awful-wonderful-scary story! I fell in love with these kids and other characters- and it was a fascinating /horrifying premise. Another great win, Mr. King- thank you! I only hope when this is made into a movie, that they do it right!

Guest 4 years ago

Really enjoyed this book took me in lead me on down a new path thanks mr king another book I will reread many times

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