The Iron Duke (2010)

Cover The Iron Duke
The Iron Duke
Meljean Brook
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She sat on a narrow bed with her boots off, trying not to let her sick worry for Andrew overwhelm her, until the blue skies and white clouds outside the porthole turned to a flat, dull gray.
She went above decks, satisfied that her short coat lay as straight as could be, that she’d scrubbed the smoke from her face and rubbed her boots to a dull shine, that even a hurricane couldn’t loosen the coil of hair at her nape. Without her overcoat, the wind immediately set her to shivering. She’d be damn
...ed if she’d let it show, though. She nodded to the duke and the airship captain on the quarterdeck, and joined Newberry, who stood with the cluster of boys near the cargo platform, and who formed a sufficient windbreak.
As always, barges and boats crowded the Thames, and the bridges were in full use. From this vantage point, the Southwark slums were a smoking ruin, with only a few buildings left inhabitable. The Horde’s tower appeared small and broken—and old Westminster Palace not much better off.

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