The Istanbul Decision

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He squinted into the sun, clinging to the wheel with his good arm, desperately fighting to stay conscious. The pain was no longer centered in his shoulder. It had spread throughout his body, and with each beat of his heart, his whole being seemed to throb.
    The flat, monotonous fields outside Györ had given way to the rounded crests of the Transdanubian Mountains, and the driving was getting more difficult. The road dropped three or four hundred feet in the space of half a mile, then rose alm
...ost as quickly in short, unexpected curves. More than once Carter jerked awake to find himself on the wrong side of the white line, another vehicle bearing down on him.
    He knew he needed doctoring and needed it fast. He had ignored the awesome pain in his ribs after his fight with Shurin, and it had eventually subsided. There wasn't much one could do with cracked ribs but tape them and let them heal. But a bullet wound was a different matter.
    And yet whenever he thought about the pain, which was every few seconds, his foot only pressed harder on the accelerator.

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