The Journal of Sacred Literature 2

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The Journal of Sacred Literature 2
John Kitto, Henry Burgess, Benjamin Harris Cowper
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But this cannot be regarded as a national alliance. So evidently was their national inclination constrained, when they took up arms against their brethren of 840 The Rephaim. [Julj, Anak with Egypt^ that almost immediately after, we see them seize on the first opportunity of casting off their compulsory renegade character, and turning against her. The alliance of th^ SHAS*u with Rameses II. was equidly contrary to their national predilections. For the same series of pictures which exhibits them... fighting against Pelcsheth, also exhibits her warriors con- tending with Egypt under the Philistine banners, and includes their chieftains among the captive enemies of Egypt.
Each of the three Bapha nations in its turn bore the brunt of warfare; they all succumbed in succession — they all fell together in the last unsuccessful effort. But the children of Sheth and the children of Anak continued to the last true to their cause and to each other. Their patriotism is firee firom the stain which clings to the name of the Zuzim and the Philistines.

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