The King's Palace

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Your dreams, your King's Palace, — that is play. This is real. And this 41 THE KING'S PALACE is the fulfilment of the dream. It is what you want without knowing that you want it. Ro- mance — did you not dream of it in the palace?
Why else the lonely valley and the wild sea?
What is all your dreaming but a longing for romance? And did you never, in the very midst of the dream, in the very heart of the palace, did you never feel a sudden restlessness, a sudden dissatisfaction, a sudden craving fo
...r the touch of the real? Did you never ques- tion?
ELISE (unwillingly) Yes.
GARDINER And this is the answer. This is the romemce which is also real. This is what you have dreamed and more. Do not hold back from the completion of the vision. Give yourself up to it — entirely, gloriously. Come now, it is reasonable, is it not? You have dreamed; accept the answer. (He comes nearer.) ELISE Don't touch me! — I wish I knew; I wish I knew.
42 THE KING'S PALACE GARDINER ^., I_know. Take my word for it.

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