The Kraken King

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If the dens were shown at all, they appeared as a single city and were labeled “Bradlinger’s Folly,” after the Dutchman from Johannesland who had attempted to settle the region almost three hundred years before. He’d been told the Australian natives were primitive, docile, and of small stature, so any resistance to the new colony would easily subdued.
    Bradlinger had sailed to Australia with seven ships. Only a few members of his company had returned to the Americas alive.
    The outsiders w
...ho’d eventually settled in the area must have had a better idea how to win over the local clan than Bradlinger had. Zenobia didn’t know who they’d been. No one from Scandinavia or the Americas, she was sure. Maybe exiles from the Horde empire, or pirates hiding from Nipponese forces. While growing up, everything she’d heard and read about western Australia had painted it as a savage land full of disease and war, and the dens populated by thieves and murderers.

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