The Kraken King, Part 7 (2014)

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By the second morning, anxiety had a constant hold on Zenobia’s chest, gripping her heart in a tight and heavy fist. Though Ariq appeared as calm as ever when they watched the sunrise from the eastern terrace, he hardly touched his breakfast before Ambassador Auger arrived and they boarded the airship that would carry them to their first meeting of the day.
    Oh, but this worry was all so foolish. At least now it was. Later, they might have reason. But even if Mara and Cooper flew over Krakent
...own and immediately turned around, they couldn’t possibly return to Nippon before midday. Zenobia was determined to put fear aside and write until then.
    But she found herself staring blankly at her typesetting machine, and before long, she found herself standing on the western terrace and searching the skies for a sign of them.
    Also foolish. How would she recognize their hired airship among so many others? Yet she couldn’t force herself to go back inside, and every time an airship flew near the quarantine her heart thudded . . .

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The Kraken King, Part 7
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