The Last Aerie

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Wratha had sent him down a present of three Szgany males from the night’s raid. There was a youth, a grown man and a greypate. For all his pride, Nestor was hardly the one to refuse them; not now that the get out of Sunside had grown so small. He did note, however, that they were all males, which Wratha must surely prefer to keep. But on the other hand and in the current circumstances, he could see why she wouldn’t want to send him women fresh out of Sunside … As for sending him any token of her... esteem at all—especially one of precious flesh and blood—that was completely unheard of, and Zahar was at a loss to understand it. “Is the Lady in your debt, Lord?” he finally found courage to inquire. And indeed, in respect of Wratha’s spying on Nestor—her interference with his dreams, and what all—perhaps she could be said to be in his debt at that. Whether or no, he looked Zahar square in the eye and answered: “She could be, eventually …” And on afterthought, “Let’s just say that she and I have business together.”

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