The Last Big Job

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The book The Last Big Job was written by author Here you can read free online of The Last Big Job book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Last Big Job a good or bad book?
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We let him believe he’s got clout and that he’s running the show - because that’s what he wants to believe. We feed him cash, we feed him birds, booze and smack if that’s what turns him on. We con the living shit out of him and then we bury the twat!
‘See - I’m not having no stinking little security guard trying to tell me what to do,’ Crane went on. ‘No fucking way under God’s sky. We run him. Be doesn’t run us.’ Crane turned to Smith. His eyes were lit by passing fluorescent street-lights as t
...he car moved swiftly northwards through the easy traffic. They were back in the shabby Vauxhall Carlton, having concluded their meeting with Colin Bodge. ‘Is that clear?’ Smith’s face cracked with a smile of pleasure. ‘I take it from that you’re in?’ Crane extended his right hand. Smith shook it and clasped his left over it. ‘I knew you’d be interested. I needed you along.
You’ve got all the right contacts for this one.’ ‘And I don’t want to take that little bastard’s word for anything,’ Crane said, referring to Bodge.

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The Last Big Job
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