The Last Pleasure Garden

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Your number?’ asks the warder.
‘D4-3-10. Ticket-of-leave,’ replies the young man.
‘Sign here or make your mark, 4-3-10,’ says the warder. The young man obliges.
The warder looks down at his papers. ‘Nelson, is it?’ ‘Yes, sir.’ ‘You have your freedom, Nelson. Do not squander it.’ ‘No, sir. I don’t intend to.’ ‘Very well,’ continues the warder, handing the young man a small book from a pile of identical volumes upon his desk. ‘The chaplain wishes to give you this, for your moral welfare. You can r
...ead, I take it?’ The young man nods.
‘Good,’ continues the warder. ‘I commend it to you. It has the address of the Discharged Prisoners’ Aid Society; you will find them at Charing Cross – make that your destination and you will not go far wrong.’ The young man casts a cursory glance over the gift.
‘Be on your way, then. Next!’ It is a little past nine o’clock on a Monday morning when George Nelson quits the confines of Pentonville Prison. There is no mass exodus of freed inmates from the gaol.

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