The Legend of St. Olaf's Kirk.

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What reading level is The Legend of St. Olaf's Kirk. book?
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Weary with waiting. Now and then arose Rough voices : " Less of law, more justice give us." " What haggard monk, this Knud, — is he the Prince Costuming ? " " Where, then, skulks the Prince ? " At this Axel unlocked the arms that circled his.
Strode down the steps to where Prince Hakon stood, And said, low-voiced, though not a word was lost : " My cousin, from a boy thou 'st been with me, Known my each thought and wish, and well hast known My noblest thought, my dearest wish, was this.
If then
...thy lips can fashion any word To silence this contention, speak it now.
And prove our love is mutual. If thy will, Unwittingly, I've crossed in anything.
Speak now, that I may know the seeming wrong And haste to right it." " Why appeal to me ?
Of what concern to me this clerkly strife ? " — " The same that "tis to me, my cousin Prince, If thy love be the same as mine toward thee." " I am no law-wright, nor hath my tongue skill To lick laws from their tablets." " But art thou The breath enkindling them ?

What to read after The Legend of St. Olaf's Kirk.?
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The Legend of St. Olaf's Kirk.
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