The Legends of the Saints; An Introduction to Hagiography;

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i., Leipzig, i8g8, pp. 81 ff. ; H. Peter, Die geschichtliche Litter atur iiber die Romische Kaiser zeit, Leipzig, 1897, v °l« "•> PP- 200-4.
5 " 66 THE LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS in the domain of history. Above all, their tendencies .were not in the direction of criticism. When the his- torian no longer desired to be restricted to the role of annalist or witness he became a compiler, one lacking discernment, and far more preoccupied with his readers' tastes than with a laborious quest after truth. T
...he ancients who might have been his models knew as little as he did of those complicated processes by means of which we hope to disentangle the true from the false, and to reconstruct the characteristic features of a per- sonage or a period. Moreover, the simple minds of these semi-barbarous scribes were lacking in the very first qualification for exercising the critical faculty in however slight a degree. They were devoid of guile, and they never suspected that a written testimony might be false, or that a likely tale need not necessarily be true.

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The Legends of the Saints; An Introduction to Hagiography;
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