The Life And Correspondence of William Connor Magee, Archbishop of York, Bishop of Peterborough 1

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The Life And Correspondence of William Connor Magee, Archbishop of York, Bishop of Peterborough 1
John Cotter Macdonnell
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But though resting he was not inactive. The subject of national education, and the reforms needed in the Irish Church, were much in his thoughts. On coming to Ireland he had renewed his intimacy with his old school-fellow, Dr. Newell, one of the secretaries of the National Board of Education.
There is a letter belonging to this period, which will be read with interest by many who have taken part in the educational contro- vcreies in Ireland. The Pi'esbyterians had for the most part accepted the
... system of the National Board. So had a large number of Roman Catholic patrons, chiefly priests. The Church as a body had stood aloof ; while many of the Roman Catholic priests, though taking grants from the National Board, were pressing for purely denominational schools without a conscience clause.
To Dr. Newell.
"Youghal, May 13, 1864.
** Thank you for the copy of rules of the National Board.
^ I confess that, much as I lament the change,* not only for the real, but also for the apparent violence it does to the principles of mixed and unsectarian education, I am not surprised at it.

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