The Life And Correspondence of William Connor Magee, Archbishop of York, Bishop of Peterborough 2

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The Life And Correspondence of William Connor Magee, Archbishop of York, Bishop of Peterborough 2
John Cotter Macdonnell
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It was a very touching scene — touching for its quiet and cheerful solemnity. I really think no better word than cheerful could be used to describe the whole character of the proceedings. The coffin, without a pall, thick covered with flowers ; the church decorated as for a harvest festival ; the hymns almost joyful in their tone ; and altogether hopeful and triumphant ; all breathed just that spirit of Christian resignation and thankfulness which the close of the brave, manly, 180 ARCHBISHOP M...AGEE chap, xvi chastenfed life of the man we were following to his rest should suggest. His daughters, who were present all through, behaved beautifully ; no noisy sorrow or excitement ; hardly any weeping even ; but aquiet, patient, restrained grief that was very touching.
The servants, who carried the coffin, were all of them honestly weeping, a sure sign of what the Archbishop was in his domestic life. The gathering at Addington was representative, though less so than that in the Jerusalem Chamber for Stanley's funeral.

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