The Life And Correspondence of William Connor Magee, Archbishop of York, Bishop of Peterborough

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The Life And Correspondence of William Connor Magee, Archbishop of York, Bishop of Peterborough
John Cotter Macdonnell
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C. P." I subjoin the Bishop's two letters to the Times alluded to above ; as the weakness and practical uselessness of the Vincentian rule was a favourite theological topic with him.
To the Editor of The Times.
Novemhir 29, 1878.
Sir, — As I have always felt some misgivings as to the sufficiency of the rule^ **quod semper, quod uhtque, quod ah omnibus" announced by Canon Carter as that which decides for him his belief^ I avail myself of 1877-79 CONFESSION; PAN-ANGLICAN SYNOD
...103 the opportunity afforded by his letter to you to seek at his hands an answer to my difficulties. These are : (1) That I have never been able to prove this rule.
(2) That I have never been able, assuming it to be true, to prove anything by it.
As regards the proof of this rule, my difficulty lies in the word "omnibus" Who are the "omnes/* the ''all/' whose belief is to rule mine ? Are they " all " who have ever professed and called themselves Christians ? or ''all " who have been orthodox Christians ?

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