The Life And Exploits of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote De La Mancha 1

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The Life And Exploits of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote De La Mancha 1
Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra, Charles Jarvis
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What reading level is The Life And Exploits of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote De La Mancha 1 book?
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' It is mighty well, faid the prieft; pray, landlord, bring me thofe books, for I have a mind to fee them. With all. my heart, anfwered the hoft i and, going into his chamber, he brought out a little old cloke-bag, with a padlock and chain to it, and .opening it he took out three large volumes, and fome manu- fcript papers written in a very fair character. The firft book he opened he found to be Don Cirongilio of Tbrace y the next Felixmarte of Hyrcania, and the third the hiftory of the grand c
...aptain Goncalo Hernandez of Cordoua* with the life of iDiego Garcia de Paredes. When tfye prieft had read the titles of the two firft, he turned about to the barber, and faid: We want here our friend's houfe-keeper and niece. Not at all, anfwered the barber; for I myfelf can carry them to the yard, or to the chimney, where there is a very good fire. What, Sir, would you burn, my books ? faid the inn-keeper. Only thefe two, faid the prieft, that of Don Cirongilio 3 and that of Felixmarte. What then, are my books heretical, or flegmatical, that you have a mind to burn them ?

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The Life And Exploits of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote De La Mancha 1
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