The Life And Letters of Frederick William Faber: D. D., Priest of the ...

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The Life And Letters of Frederick William Faber: D. D., Priest of the ...
John Bowen Edwards
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The power of evening was on me, and I was merely making a dreamy joy of it, and forgot to be thankful for its power over my sick body ; and so the poet brought England over the scene, and Constantinople was eclipsed, and my lofty thoughts degenerated into a weak desire to be at home. It was as if the book had said, a little more sternly than he himself would have done so, — ** Thou art in self-government too slow — The invisible world with thee hath sympathized ; Be thy affections raised and so...lemnized." I looked upon my blue volume, which I had been about to upbraid and sentence. I acknowledge it for a fairy now^ and 1841.] PKEDEEICK WILLIAM FABER. 131 stand reproved before "the plain presence" of its donble- colonmed dignity. A man would lead a safe life whose con- duct was ruled by the "sortes WordsworthianaB ;" for he could never light upon a line which was not good, and good rules are never inappropriate. But it is not every man who, Uke me, possesses a Wordsworth, instinct with Ufe, and which can comment on itself after such an allegorical sort.

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The Life And Letters of Frederick William Faber: D. D., Priest of the ...
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