The Life And Public Services of Salmon Portland Chase, United States Senator And Governor of Ohio; Secretary of the Treasury And Chief-Justice of the United States

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But war was inevitable, as the more sagacious statesmen clearly foresaw.
]VIr. Chase, unawed by the portentous aspect of the political elements, immediately entered upon the organization of his financial plans. Plutarch writes of Pericles that he was seen in public only in going to and coming from the senate-house. It niay truly be said of Mr. Chase that he was seen only in going to and coming from the place of his official labors. His abilities and energy soon manifested themselves to the peop
...le. He rees- tablished the public credit upon sohd fomidations. He created a currency which answered all the vast requirements of the war, and was, beyond all precedent in the histoiy of the country, popular among the people, and this too before the suspension of cash payments. It is important to be remembered that that cur- rency was not at first a legal tender. He projected a system of national banks, designed ultimately to supersede all similar insti- tutions existing imder State laws. The circulating notes of these banks, secured both by private capital and by ample deposits of Government bonds with the Treasm'er of the United States, were intended to provide, in an emphatic sense, a sound and / I 212 LIFE OF SALMON PORTLAND CHASE.

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