The Life of George Brummell, Esq: Commonly Called Beau Brummell 1

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The Life of George Brummell, Esq: Commonly Called Beau Brummell 1
Jesse, William, 1809-1871
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The unfortunate Frenchman started to his feet, and violently clasping his head with both his hands, rushed from the room, enveloped in a cloud of powder and flies ; his tormentors, and the echoes of an uncontrollable burst of laughter, following him up the staircase. When he was gone, Brummell and his confederate, of course, expressed more surprise than any one else, that the flies should have taken such a violent fancy to the Frenchman's powder and pomatum.
Another gentleman, who sufiered by h pranks, was a Mr. Snodgrass, I believe an F.R.S., and very fond of scientific pursuits ; probably the reason why he was singled out by Brummell as a fit and proper object for his fun. Accompanied by several friends, he once knocked up this savant, at three o'clock on a fine frosty morning ; and when, under the impression of his house being on fire, he protruded his body en chemise^ and his head in a nightcap, from the window, the Beau put the following very interesting question to him : — i2 116 THE LIFE OF '* Pray, sir, is your name Snodgrass?" "Yes, sir,** said he, very anxiously, " my name is Snod- grass." " Snodgrass — Snodgrass, " repeated Bnim- mell, " a very odd name that, upon my soul ; a very odd name indeed !

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The Life of George Brummell, Esq: Commonly Called Beau Brummell 1
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