The Lock And Key Library: the Most Interesting Stories of All Nations 4

Cover The Lock And Key Library: the Most Interesting Stories of All Nations 4
The Lock And Key Library: the Most Interesting Stories of All Nations 4
Hawthorne Julian
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Toward morning the Countess was forced to return to her room. Brigitte, ever keeping watch over her mistress's movements, did not see her come- out again; and when she went, she found the Countess lying there dead.
" I expect she heard that conscript," cried . Brigitte, *' walking about Monsieur Auguste's room, whistling that accursed Marseillaise of theirs while he dressed, as if he had been in a stable ! That must have killed her." But it was a deeper and a more solemn emotion, and doubtless
...some dreadful vision, that had caused Mme. de Dey^s death; for at the very hour when she died at Caren* tan, her son was shot in le Morbihan.
This tragical story may be added to all the instances on record of the workmgs of sympathies uncontrolled by the laws of time and space. These observations, collected with scientific curiosity by a few isolated individuals, will one day serve as documents on which to base the foundations of a new science which hitherto has lacked its man of genius.
198 Introduction to Zadig the Babylonian A work (says the author) which performs more than it promises Voltaire never heard of a ''detective story**; and yet he wrote the first in modem literatuie,- so clever as to be a model for all the others that followed.

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The Lock And Key Library: the Most Interesting Stories of All Nations 4
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