The Lock And Key Library: the Most Interesting Stories of All Nations 5

Cover The Lock And Key Library: the Most Interesting Stories of All Nations 5
The Lock And Key Library: the Most Interesting Stories of All Nations 5
Hawthorne Julian
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Sacrifice yourselves, I beg of you! Come!
Come up here ! Death awaits you ! " They laughed, but here and there a laugh sounded stri- dent or hysterical ; the laugh did not ring true, but had the sound of cracked crystal. No one stirred. This parody of death affected even these hardened spectators.
" Oh, well, my friends, there is a cadaver belonging to the establishment which we can use. It is a pity! You may readily understand that we do not take the dead for companions." As no one among the s
...pectators would enter the coffin, 105 French Mystery Stories the manager, with a gesture, ordered one of the supemiv meraries of the cabaret to enter; from an open door the figurant glided across the stage and entered the coffin, standing upright. The manager wrapped him about with a shroud, leaving only the pale face of the pretended dead man exposed above this whiteness. The man smiled.
'' He laughs, Messieurs, he laughs still ! " said the man- ager. " You will soon see him pay for that laugh.

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The Lock And Key Library: the Most Interesting Stories of All Nations 5
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