The Lovers of the Deep: in Four Cantos; to Which is Added a Variety of Miscellaneous Poems

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The songsters of the grove awake, As swells on high the matin strain, On airy wing glide from the brake.
To verdant hill or flowery plain : POEMS. 199 Soft paeans swell, from vale and dell, Fond Echo answers to the lay, While Zephyr flies, from western skies, To meet the Dawning of the Day.
The timid hare and hart arc seen To leave the secret lair of night, And crop the tender blades of green, Or ere the heavens are streaked with light : While, bathed in dew, the flowers renew.
And Nature smile
...s, serene and gay, With hmnble voice, they too rejoice, And hail the Dawning of the Day.
The flocks and herds that browse the vale, The welcome ray of light behold, Snuff with delight the fragrant gale.
And seek the well-known verdant wold: There, lowing, rove, beside the grove, Or o'er the verdant meadows stray : Crop the young grass, a rich repast.
And hail the Dawning of the Day.
Gay chanticleer, the wakeful bird, His shrill-toned clarion sounds afar, And oft throughout the night is heard, This herald of the morning star : Till, when the slieen arrays the scene, With dusky rose, and silver gray, He strains his throat, with one wild note, To hail the Dawning of the Day.

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The Lovers of the Deep: in Four Cantos; to Which is Added a Variety of Misc...
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