The Loves of the Poets

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OPHOCLES is credited by Plato with the saying, in regard to the fading of the passions with the advance of age, that it is "like being set free from service to a band of mad- men." This saying fitly comes to mind with the mention of the names of Michael Angelo and Vittoria Colonna, for it is the significance of the legend which thus links their names together that it is the record of a feeling, an impassioned friend- ship, which could only have been experi- enced by two who had arrived at that
...tranquil period of life when, freed from the turmoil of the senses, it is first pos- sible to realize a love the ardors of which shall be purely of the spirit.
The character of Michael Angelo's work, the cosmic austerity of the beauty that ', , informs it — a beauty such as Words- worth saw upon the face of Duty — Thou dost preserve the stars from wrong; And the most ancient Heavens, through thee, are fresh and strong does not suggest him as ever, at any time during his long Ufe, having been a votary of any goddess more luxurious than the Uranian Aphrodite.

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