The Mahogany Ship (Sam Reilly book 2)

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Sam grinned, his teeth white as the little ship’s sail.
He felt like a boy on his favorite theme park ride.
This was real sailing. Between himself and Michael, the two men owned more than most countries spent on their military each year, but now, they’d been reduced to a couple of overgrown children, trying not to fall out of the little boat.
Michael surprised him with his competence. Clearly the man had spent a lot of time on the water. As the midday sun rested above the horizon, the light wind
... became no wind. Above their heads, the single sail flapped aimlessly.
“Did you bring a little motor?” Sam asked.
“No, did you?” Michael laughed.
“No, I forgot that.”
“Do you think the wind will pick up?”
“Not a chance.”
“That’s okay, that’s why I have these.” Michael said, showing him a pair of oars. “It’s only about three miles back to land. You’re in no rush?”
“No,” Sam lied.
He watched as Michael comfortably connected the oars to their rollicks and start rowing.

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The Mahogany Ship (Sam Reilly book 2)
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