The Malay Peninsula : a Record of British Progress in the Middle East

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Crown Colony Government all the Empire over, however, partakes very much of the same character. There is in supreme authority a Governor assisted by an Executive Council, composed in the case of the Straits Settlements entirely of officials, supplemented by a Legislative Council on which non-officials have representation. As in high dynastic concerns we talk of limited monarchies, so in this matter of Crown Colony administration we may refer to a limited constitutional system. Limited, it certa...inly is, for the official voice in the Council Chamber is all-powerful, and can, if need be, quite drown that of the unofficial element.
As recently as May in the present year (1912) an im- portant measure deeply affecting the trade of the Straits Settlements was carried by the casting vote of the Governor in the teeth of the strong opposition of the unofficial members. In actual fact, the Government of 1S8 LEGISLATION AND ADMINISTRATION 199 the Straits Settlements is to-day practically what it was nearly half a century ago when the territories were first administered by the Crown.

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The Malay Peninsula : a Record of British Progress in the Middle East
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