The Mapilla Rebellion : 1921-1922

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One rebel was shot, and 15 (or 19, the message is not clear) concerned in the ambush were captured with some guns and swords. The guides taken with the column are thought to have been privy to the ambush and are under arrest.
2. The move to Nilambur begins this morning.
3. The Suffolks moved towards Mannarghat yesterday. Forty-fonr arrests were made at Oherpulasseri, and more ' looters ' there are expected to give themselves up.
4. I have seen a copy of the letter which the General has addresse
...d to the Government on See also Bfift the situation as a whole, and it may be useful if I venture on a few broad remarks. So far as LVII and E what may be called roughly the interior of Brnad and Walluvanad is concerned, the position is C') ^■'^* this : there are an unknown number of armed gangs openly waging active war against the British Government ; the largest numbers, whether in two or more gangs is not certain, but under the general leadership of Variankunnath Kunhamad Haji and Ohembrasseri Tangai are in the country of which Kalikavu, Tnvvnr, Melattnr and Alanallur may be put roughly as the north-east and south boundaries ; another gang under Kumaramputtur SithiKoya Tangai operates rourd Mannarghat ; other gangs possibly under the general leadership of Abdu Haji are in the triangle Malappuram, Manjeri, Mongam ; another gang presumably under one of Varianknnnath Kunhamad Haji's lieutenants, holds Nilambur ; all these gangs are known to be actively hostile, and there are probably others in the Pandalur country and elsewhere.

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The Mapilla Rebellion : 1921-1922
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