The Marriage Secret

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Finn bit back, “is that I’ve had a gut full of justifying myself to you, Emily. How do you think it makes me feel to know the woman I love thinks I run around the country impregnating other women!” he thundered. “Tell me, do I act as if our sex life doesn’t satisfy me?” he demanded. “Well?”Mutely, she shook her head. The only time he’d displayed any dissatisfaction was when, after months of tedious temperature taking and ovulation charts, he’d walked into the bathroom they shared and before her ...astounded eyes had flushed the whole lot down the toilet.“We’ll make love,” he’d announced authoritatively, “when we feel like it. I won’t be limited to only touching my wife when she’s likely to conceive. And if we meet at lunchtime to make love, it will be because we can’t wait until the evening. I won’t be rationed—I’m a man not a machine!”Overawed by this macho display and secretly relieved to ditch the whole palaver, Emily had meekly nodded.“Not women,”

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