The Masterpieces And the History of Literature; Analysis, Criticism, Character, And Incident

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The Masterpieces And the History of Literature; Analysis, Criticism, Character, And Incident
Hawthorne Julian
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What reading level is The Masterpieces And the History of Literature; Analysis, Criticism, Character, And Incident book?
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They disappear from the Alcald to break out with renewed virulence in the avenue of Ato- cha, and girdle the city at last with a belt of booths.
While they last they give great animation and spirit to the street life of the town. You can scarcely make your way among the heaps of gaudy shawls and handkerchiefs, cheap laces and illegitimate jewels, that cumber the pavement. When the Jews were driven out of Spain, they left behind the true genius of bargaining.
A nut-brown maid is attracted by a b
...rilliant red and yellow scarf. She asks the sleepy merchant nodding before his wares, "What is this rag worth .? " He answers with profound indifference, "Ten reals." " Hombre 1 Are you dreaming or crazy ? " She drops the coveted neck-gear, and moves on, ap- parently horror-stricken.
The chapman calls her back peremptorily. ** Don't be rash ! The scarf is worth twenty reals, but for the sake of Santisima Maria I offered it to you for half price. Very well 1 You are not suited. What will you give ?

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