The Memory Child

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Rereading his letter Nina gave me this morning didn’t help.
    A couple of times a week with our morning tea she’ll hand over something from him. Before he left, he’d given her a box full of letters, notes, and a few homemade word puzzles he made up for me. This was something he’d always done whenever he went away—leaving notes hidden in my drawers, beneath my pillows, in the coffee canister—always in the last place I’d expect to find them. In return, I’d leave notes in his suitcase, his comput bag, inside his shoes, and such.
    I want him to come home. I need him to come home. He hasn’t even seen Grace. I know it’s not his fault that he couldn’t be there for her birth, but how can a father not come home to see his own child? Something must have gone wrong in London for him to stay for so long and without any word. He should have returned by now.
    I don’t even understand why he had to go. He’s only an engineer, one of many in his company.

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