The Men of '48, Being a Brief History of the Repeal Association And the Irish Confederation : With Biographical Sketches of the Leading Actors in the Latter Organization, Their Principles, Opinions, And Literary Labors

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Dr. Kane of Kilkenny, Rev. C. P.
Meehan, J. B. Dillon, McDermott, Samuel 210 THE MEN OF '48.
Ferguson, Pigot, and a host of others, who, in poetry or prose, all aimed at the same object — the elevation of the Irisli race from the slough of mental as well as physical bondage, and the regeneration of their coun- try, by teaching its sons how to win and deserve freedom. '' To create and to foster a public opinion in Ireland, and to make it racy of the soil," was the motto chosen for the first numb of the paper, and never did one publication in the English, or any other language, gather around it, to execute its designs, so much rare ability, genuine merit, and lofty national spirit. Easily flinging from its skirts, as unworthy of serious no- tice, the filth that was thrown at it by the Castle hirelings in and out of Conciliation Hall, it continued each successive week to pour its broadsides into that corrupt amal- gamation of cheats and frauds called the Lib- eral party, wdiile its appeals to the national- ists, its reports and reviews on Irish indiis- try and Hterature, its sweet songs and his- torical ballads, found their way into every Irish household, and rekindled the smoulder- THE MEN OF '48.

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