The Message of David Swing to His Generation Addresses And Papers

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We were at the Tusculum villa. A mes- senger came in fearful haste, his horse almost falling from fatigue. Cicero and his brother went out to meet him, and in a few moments came back into the great hall. Cicero said 228 A Roman Home to me, calmly : " Antony has condemned me to death. " My heart sunk. I was in a mo- ment glad that Tullia had passed to the grave, which has no fresh sorrow. A group of servants were called, both boatmen and porters, and, having gotten ready the most essential thing
...s, we hurried to Astura, one of my master's villas, a few stadia away. Should we reach that point, from there we should sail for Macedonia. But there was little hope of a final escape from the wide domain of Rome. The road was literally sprinkled with our tears. When we halted, each stood with an arm around his friend, and Cicero and his brother embraced each other many times, and bade many farewells ; for, in my master, friendship was as vast a thing as learning or eloquence.
We sailed from Astura, but, after a day out in tough weather, Cicero grew sick, and at the same time he felt a great longing to risk his native land, or die upon its soil.

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