The Methodist Review 5

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The Methodist Review 5
Mason, Thomas, 1769-1851, [from Old Catalog] Ed
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What reading level is The Methodist Review 5 book?
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01o<7) g^i to thy RcdeemeHi lore, FarewelU my sister I thoo art gone atlast, Z^ '"'^ ^'^'^ ^"'** the «i«ed ptoes. And bid adieu to all beneath the sun •, When wrmg with an^ish and extreme ditin* Thy tears, thy sorrows, all thy conflicts past, P^ ^^ submissive bowM and kisi*d the rod } Thy work aecompU8b>d,and the priie is won. S^**" '^^^^ or wish'd thy suflerings lev, Tbo« «ft blue ve. «e cl«.M, wMch one. dU f ' """' "^ *"'<• "« *"' "^ «"* shine I watched thy tong^ and slow expiring flame, With heav'nly thoaght, from troth's enllr'ninr And saw thee iineer many months Mow, . rayt : lYaitinr with patient hope thy beaT*B lo gal|r Sealed are thoee lips, and mute that tongue of "^^ ^^ fruition uf those joys to know. BweeUy conmos'd I saw thy loTely clay, Jesus thy theme, bis truths were all In alL «"*t " .^V.'P^S ^\}^i'^'i ^^^^ ^"^ ^^ »*»•«« *»>• prospects aU sublime! By faith 1 trac'd thy brififht ethereal war, «... r r To meet-and mingle with the sons of Uehl To thee p^e death had lost his dark diagoiH^ - , , "^ .

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