The Methodist Review 50

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The Methodist Review 50
Mason, Thomas, 1769-1851, [from Old Catalog] Ed
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Abt. IX.— foreign literary intelligence.
One of the best German writers on Palestine, Titus Tobler, has compiled a Geographical Bihliogriiphy of Pale^ne^ (BibNographia Otogrccphica PalasHrux^ Leipzig, 1867,) a work of immense labor, for every one acquainted at all with geographical literature knows the works on Palestine to be exceedingly numer- ous. Attempts at compiling a bibliog- raphy of this kind had previously been made by Rosenmiiller, (in VoL I of his Bandbiick der hibl Alterth
...umskur^e, 1823,) by Dr. Robinson, (Vol. I of his Paksiine, 1841,) and by Dr. Carl Ritter, (Erdkmde, • Part V. 1850.) But aU these lists were incomplete, and, besides, needed continuation. Tobler is specially qualified for a work of this kind by his habitual thoroughness and accuracy.
His book consists of three parts : the first (pp. 5-206) catalogues, and briefly characterizes, ''works which certainly, or most probably, were written bv eye- witnesses," from the Pilgrim of JBor- deavx, in A.D.

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