The Methodist Review 7

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The Methodist Review 7
Mason, Thomas, 1769-1851, [from Old Catalog] Ed
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What reading level is The Methodist Review 7 book?
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The hand of a friend was stretched forth ; and the kind accent of love bade them welcome. Whatever might lend to contribute to their comfort, if within her power to procure, they failed not to receive. When sick, she would minister unto their necessities with the most patient attention and affectionate sympathy. And mdeed, so thoroughly converMntwas rfie with their very thoughts Digitized by Google Mtmir (/ Un. IUbbcca Pcnu. 8A8 ifld KMfittgp, Ant vA»a tlieir Muh weie cait dowa vpd^iftqakiediv
...she was eiiaMed cveiy now aftd th«o to -dbrop « won in tttaoa to ^mfiiTt aad eacoorage thcou Pesbap Iba. tdigreanoii wiU be pardoned, if tiM writer in ihii t>lace, taxes the Xwrty of addii^ bis oim pm^e testiaMaT to die troth ef what batb been jost writsen. Prevbu^ to the deadi «f our late sister, her bouse uras his home. Jost eaiering epon the ministry, but little acqaainsed with the trials or labours of a ciiciiit, a mere y^outb, it seemed to Ura as if a kind Provideoce had raisied at tbe saase time a bome aad a friend as anxious for his welfare neady m a inotfaer.

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