The Miscellany of the Spalding Club No. 16

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The Miscellany of the Spalding Club No. 16
Spalding Club, Aberdeen
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Be Sir Robert Grahame of Murphie, . . . . i"' merkis.
Summa, frie monei^, vii" merids.
And declarit that sho had uplifted the soumea of money following, giyin up restand to hir in hir aex termes inventar be the per- Bones eftir mentionat, viz. : Be William Grordoun of Knokas- peck, ane thowsand and fyve hundreth merkis; be Williame Gordoun of Kinminnitie, ane thowsand and fyve hundreth merkis ; and fyve hundreth merkis of the soume of ane thow- sand pundis be Johne Ogliye of Inverquharitie ; an
...d that schoe haid not lent out the saidis soumes againe for annuelrent.
Wilfiame Moir, in Caberstoun, declarit that he haid restand to him be Androw Burnet of Schethokisley, . . iiii" merkis.
Givin out be him befoir Junii last, for quhilk he sould receaue onlie nyn for ilk hundreth thairof.
Summa, frie monyes, iiii"' merkis.
Hendrie Nicol, in Cortanis, declarit that thair wes restand to him be Sir James Gordoun of Lesmoir, . . . . i" merkis.
Be Androw Burnet of Schethokisley, . . . . iii« merkis.

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The Miscellany of the Spalding Club No. 16
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