The Monthly Journal of the American Unitarian Association 4

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The Monthly Journal of the American Unitarian Association 4
American Unitarian Association
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Friends, this is a sacred place and a solemn time. • It is said of an old nation, that they held back from bestowing the highest honors on their 128 OUB HONORED DUST.
dead for a season, so that, if anj man had an accusation to bring against the memory, he should be heard ; and, if it were proven, the honor should not be given. I stand by the dust of our friend to-day : shall we bury him among kings be- cause he has done good ? He has gone in and out before you twenty-one years; you have known h intimately.
He must have had his errors : .1 declare to you, / do not know them ; and we ministers are commonly kept well in- formed about the weak side of our brethren. I believe the man does not live who can tarnish his name by one small spot of real dishonor. I call you to witness this day, — yon, his neighbors, who have known him so long and so well, — I stand here your spokesman, and declare his public, open, common life in Geneva and Bockford untambhed. We bury him among kings.

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The Monthly Journal of the American Unitarian Association 4
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